NEW to Unity - Where and How to Start?

Flame Suit On

I am new to Unity and really to design and development of games.
I am 27 years old and spent most of my adult life playing mmorpg’s, or some sort
of app game on my phone.

Growing up I always wanted to create and design my own game, or at least an app.
I think that’s why everyone is on Unity, right.

To keep this short and sweet, what are some of the first steps that I should take towards building a game? Or understanding how to do X,Y and Z.

I have explored completed projects and played around a bit. Beyond that I really haven’t done much.

I would really like to u understand what is the true Start to Unity? Should I read a book or 10, learn certain coding before even thinking of using Unity?


There are a number of video tutorials with example projects to help you, check out Unity Learn. Unity primarily uses the C# programming language for its scripts (or an altered version of JavaScript, though that’s becoming less popular), so it would be best to learn the basics of C#. But if you don’t have any programming experience and want to get started right away, look into the Unity Asset Store package called “PlayMaker”, Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making, that uses a visual design style, where rather than writing code you put together charts of the game flow.

  1. Download and install Visual Studio 2017 Community. It’s free for hobbyists.
    Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition – Download Latest Free Version

  2. Download and install Unity (which I’m assuming you’ve done already). However, make sure that the VS tools for Unity plugin is active so Unity and Visual Studio can communicate with each other. Unity does this for you if you’ve installed Unity after Visual Studio, though. (VS2017 may already have this built in, though I haven’t tried VS2017 yet).

  3. Follow tutorials as described above.

If you want to get used to scripting, there are Unity specific scripting tutorials here: Learn game development w/ Unity | Courses & tutorials in game design, VR, AR, & Real-time 3D | Unity Learn

Or get Playmaker, as suggested.

Unity’s installer includes the free version of Visual Studio if you check the box, so you don’t need to do that separately. Dunno if I’d recommend that, though, since Visual Studio is far more complicated for a new programmer than Monodevelop.