New UI - How to build UI with set pixel size?


I’m struggling to understand - can I build UI with fixed pixel size in editor?
This is regarding new UI system with Canvas. Width and height values are grayed out in editor and change only automatically if I change “Game” windows size.

For example Game resolution is set to 1600x900.
I added a Panel to Canvas. And set its size to 1600x900.
But the Panel still appears as if it takes only a part of screen.
See screenshot for details: Screenshot by Lightshot

Thank you.

create new canvas

1.set sale with screen size in canvasscalar script.

2.Assign value to resolution as 1600x900.

3.create a panel and it will appear to full resolution for which resolution has assigned.

4.create a panel n reduce the size of the panel and make the anchor point to all the corners of the panel.(for aligning to center r particular part of screen )