In new UI small texts(texts with a small font size) looks terrible. I do not know what the reason of that but I was adviced to increase font size to some big number like 50 for example and then scale it down to the size I need. So for static unscalable text it is very good solution. However my text is the child of the parent and the parent could be scaled so the text should also be scaled. The problem is that text have some scale like 0.05 and when the entire parent increase his scale the scale of Text doesnt changed at all.
How could that problem be solved ?
I found some strange behaviour… I create a sprite and put there some text it will be differnce between the case when we start our application with “MAXIMIZE On Play” and without it for the text scaling…
Here is a screen:
So on the left “Maximize on Play” is off
on the right “Maximize on Play” is on(scaled to the size of the screen on the left for comparison)
Also you could revert to back from on mode to another during runtime and when Maximize option is off the text will be scaled correct!
Thank you in advance.
P.S. Test project is [36294-123.zip|36294].