Hey guys,
I just wanted to let everyone know that cjcurrie and I are working on a new Unity3D learning site at teachmeunity.com. I think it’ll be useful to lots of people once we get it up and running. If you want, you can go there now and subscribe to our mailing list. We’ll send out an announcement once the site launches, and we’ll probably have some sort of promotion for the people that are on the announcement list. We’re not quite sure what that promotion might be yet, but we’ll definitely make it worth your while 
Let me know if you have any questions! I’d be glad to answer them. 
Could I possibly become a instructor or tutor on your site? I have a bunch of cool things too teach.
Nice… is this a web hosting site?
Runeflako, we’re not actively looking for new people right now, but there may be some interest in having you on board nonetheless. Send me an email (my username @gmail.com) with your contact info and I’ll discuss with cjcurrie.
lordaddament, I’m a web developer by day, so this is something that I’m putting together in my free time. Not sure what you mean by “a web hosting site”, though. I think the membership structure will be such that it’s ad supported, with an option to pay a monthly membership fee to get rid of the ads and add some other features, but I haven’t ironed out all the details yet.
I think we’ve ironed out enough of our business model to say with reasonable certainty that TeachMeUnity.com will be a free, ad-supported service at the time of launch (80% sure of this). In the future, a paid membership option is a definite possibility and we’ll make sure that you get a lot of bang for your buck with a membership.
Just thought I’d drop a little update 
Bookmarked and looking forward to it!
Sounds good, just subscribed and am looking forward to it
looks great, just subscribed!
bookmarked, contacted, and looking forward to the launch! 
you are in my bookmarks now!
Question: What are the possibilities of there being a complete 1 on 1 teaching part of the website? I have problems with some tutorials simply around the web (I need help learning Javascripting / C# etc) … Hoping this site will help me learn things more easily than other places.
Still very excited for your website and I appreciate all of your time and effort. I was just wondering if you guys have any idea when the site will be ready now that your progress bar is past 100%. Please take your time though, I don’t want to rush you. Thanks!
Bookmarked! I want to learn unity but the API is so darn confusing . Hope, your tuts will teach me!
@xzile40, if we do implement a 1 on 1 teaching thing, it’ll probably cost per hour, since it would require direct interaction with a TeachMeUnity.com instructor.
@all, we sent out a notice via the mailing list a while ago, but we’ve experienced some delays in getting the video content put together. We’re hoping for an early 2012 launch, but that mostly depends on our investor situation and if we can produce the videos quickly enough.
It’s mostly a guess, but that date is still “Early 2012”: the date I used is March 15th. Again, that could be much sooner, much later, or never depending on how our investor situation goes.