New Unity scene with looking on a basic plane is black, when scene lighting button is toggled on. Clicking on camera, its preview screen is also black. Version 5.6.4f1 & 2017.2.1f1

I put down a plane in the new scene’s center. I turn the directional light and the camera towards it. Light multiplier is 1, 10, or 100. Everything is total black. Why?

The Light Multiplier or Intensity? and you can’t have it set to 3 variables.
If you mean to say you have tried all three, you would not change the indirect multiplier but instead the intensity. Also at the top of your scene’s game view where it says scene and game (or at least how mine is setup) you should see a circle with little lines coming off of it next to 2D. make sure that is enabled otherwise try sending a screenshot I could try to help,

This phenomena is the same, what I’ve tried, in two versions:

  • Unity 5.6.4f1
  • Unity 2017.2.1f1
    In the light’s Inspector I couldn’t find “Light multiplier”. There is “Intensity” and “Indirect multiplier”. I’ve played with the “Intensity” parameter. Unfortunalety I don’t know what three variables you mean. Also unfortunately the hints over buttons in Unity’s UI are sometimes missing or not informative enough. The button what you talk about, I’ve played with that, yes, I suggest (also to the Unity developer team) to name it “Scene Lighting Button”, and I wrote when I switch it on (the button enlightens), the screen becomes black. The Game view is also black - all the times - as well as the “Camera Preview” window.

The first image shows the light’s parameters.
The second the camera’s parameters and the Camera Preview.
The third one the Lighting Settings and the Scene Lighting turned on.