New Unity SmartFoxServer API version 1.2.2 released

Just a quick heads up in here that bugfix version 1.2.2 has been released.

The changelog is as follows:

  • Fixed wrong handling of unicode characters. Now works with e.g. chinese characters
  • Fixed encoding problem with <>"’ characters
  • SendObjectToGroup fixed
  • Minor improvements in documentation

Version 1.2.2 is backward compatible and is applicable for both iPhone and PC/Mac/Web version. Simply replace old dll or source code dump with this one.

Grab it over here:


Hello Thomas,

please, do you know how the connection can get better in that SFS Island demo?

I download all the content and ran SFS Server PRO, a built game SFS Islando demo and Unity SFS Island demo. So I got this 2 connections to work… so far so good.

But the sync looks a little bit weird.
The characters walked and then, after a few seconds, I could see the character in the other game view… the only thing that appeared really fast was the chat. The movements were tooooo slow. It was too laggy. I ran this locally.

Do you know how can this become better?
Maybe I’m doind something wrong :roll:

Thanks in advance.


I’ve run the demo with several guys distributed around approx half the globe against my laptop via my personal home ADSL without any issues or noticable lag.

Also know of several others who have it up running without any reported issues.

Have you tried setting up the demo + server on a different machine to see if its something specific to your development machine?!?!

It should work out of the box in a naive (security wise and scalability wise) way without issues.


Yeah, I pretend to test this in a diferent machine.

My current machine is a Core 2 Duo 8600 with 4 GB Ram… WinXP Pro. It has a Radeon HD 3450. My home machine is better, I will try there.

But the strange is that I ran locally… I did not test in the internet really.

Thanks for the reply.