New URP plugin: Screen space GI - Zero bake time!

Update: V1.0 is live in the store! V1.1. coming soon!

Hi guys, I’m posting my progress here to see what you guys think of this asset.

Why Screenspace?

  • No bake time
  • Artist friendly
  • Most important: Effective way to add HQ lighting to dymanic objects or even generated scenes.

No bakes required, just add a renderfeature, drag and drop some quality settings and boom! GI everywhere, super artist friendly.

Check out the video!

Let me know If I should continue this asset and give me all the feedback/suggestions you like.



Nice work! Might want to show it off it the URP sub-forum as well.


Looking good. How performant is it? My dream is to have something like this for WebGL, since I can’t use the precomputed realtime GI, and its incredibly constraining when trying to do some interior scenes or a bit of dynamic lighting… and baking lightmaps means lots of textures to download.

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Hi! Thank you for your question.

I’m currently testing on Viking Village, a decent showcase with lots of geo and complex shapes. There HD drops from 120 fps to 110/105. In QHD it drops from 60 to around 22. So it’s super screen-res limited at the moment because it’s very memory intensive. Ofc this is early showcase and I’m looking in to it. My dream is to get such high performance that 2 passes are possible to fake 2 ray bounces and even implement 2.5D raymarched shadows.

I will do another showcase soon, I already have some new stills ready. Once the asset is assetstore ready I will give away some keys for free for testers, so let me know If you are interested.

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Hi, yes that’s a great idea! I’m working hard on new showcase material, I will post it there the next time



I posted some more screens, I will wait for a future big update before I post to the URP sub-forum, but these screens I couldn’t resist to share.

Hi, just a little update: I just reached 100 FPS on 4K! I focused on performance in the past few days and it payed of bigtime.
8404176--1109874--SSGI - 4K test - 100fps.jpg

Next is to optimize the de-noiser used to upscale the SSGI pass. As you can see its a bit spotty, but there is a clear pathway how to get rid of it and make it super smooth


Just prototyped some Raymarched shadows…


yes, please continue working on this asset! you’ve got fans :slight_smile:

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For the fans: Each pixel traced has its own 2.5D ray-marched shadow. You can see that the entire wall casts light and is occluded accordingly. When the black box appears in front of the wall, you can see the shadows move around in a physical correct way.

I know the GIF is poor quality (due to Unity forums max upload size), I will create a full fledged feature demo once my lasts features are in. Right now this is till Work-In-Progress…

8412078--1111707--SSGI - Raymarched shadows - short2.gif 8412078--1111716--SSGI - Raymarched shadows.jpg


And a little closeup of the debugger…

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I got challenged by a colleague to do a Cornell Box. What you see here:

  • No baking, no Unity GI, all realtime
  • It will be part of a online WebGL demo soon!


SSGI also works great on toony assets! More soon to come…


I posted a new video over at the URP sub thread:

You can check it here!

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I have a WebGL demo ready. Its still WIP as I will add more showcases to the build over time.

You can play it here!


  • Space = Toggle Orthographic cam
  • Enter = Enable/Disable SSGI
  • WASD = movement
  • Right-mouse drag = camera rotate
  • Shift = speedup

Note: If performance is poor and you are running on a laptop, please make sure your webbrowser runs on your NVidia/AMD GPU, and not the Intel integrated graphics!


just tried the demo and it looks amazing! great work.

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Thank you!! I’ll try to add more demo’s soon!

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This is incredible. Great job!
Any ETA to get on the Asset Store?

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