New user here (started about 2 days ago), I cant even complete the tutorial.

You can view the problem here:

Also, after experiencing those problems, I closed the program after thinking I saved it and now my project can’t be found. All that I did on the tutorial is gone. This is very frustrating for a new user to not even be able to follow a tutorial due to errors.

It seems as though Unity initially downloads the project to the Temp folder, which is most likely where your issue is coming from. When I downloaded and opened the project, and then subsequently exited out, I was given this dialog:

And clicking “Keep” allowed me to save the project folder to somewhere nicer, like my desktop. I’m not sure why the tutorial told you to save the project via Ctrl+S, as that is usually the command to save the current scene.

Even if you don’t get that dialog, if you just copy the containing folder (the folder that is a long string of numbers and letters) somewhere else that isn’t in the Temp folder, and open it from there, I’m guessing you should be good to go.

Thank you. I was able to save it but I wasn’t sure how or what I did exactly. I’ll try to be more precise/documentative next time and follow this suggestion in hopes that this works!