New user - Is this possible?

I’ve been lurking for a while and trying to find the opportunity project to switch over to Unity. I think I have a good candidate, but I am not finding much info on the following items that would be needed.

Can Unity do the following…

  • Import a model with bones to animate at runtime?
  • Play video over or behind real time 3d? (Compositing real time elements over an existing video)
  • Export stills (with the video or an image) our to a large format graphic.
  • Modify images/textures at runtime? (IE editable texture maps for customization)

Thanks for any pointers.


Not sure about the bones thing. I would imagine yes, but I’m no animator and I haven’t investigated. Otherwise: Yes.

I have not been able to find much about how Unity can load models at runtime. What formats can it read? The same goes for video as well. Are there set types that work better for playback? This might be potentially playing on a very large screen (actually multiple screens side by side).


The various supported formats are listed here: Unity - Manual: Importing assets
Ah there you go - bone animation supported just fine.

Well yes, for authoring, but what about importing at runtime with bones? That is what I can’t see to find any info on. Thanks.

Importing fully animated models which are not available on build? You can split your assets up in streamable packages, but if you want to be able to load an arbitrary model at runtime, you’ll need something third-party. It has been done before, but it is not supported out of the box.