New User's Question - obsolete particle collider?

I get this warning message - how do I fix, or even need to? Strange that something should be “obsolete” in a new version of Unity (especially a sample package!) TIA!

Assets/Standard Assets/ParticleSystems/Scripts/WaterHoseParticles.cs(41,48): warning CS0618: UnityEngine.ParticleCollisionEvent.collider' is obsolete: collider property is deprecated. Use colliderComponent instead, which supports Collider and Collider2D components.’

It’s simply a warning that a feature is being modified and the older method will eventually be removed. You could choose to ignore it for now and simply change it later once you’ve gotten more familiar with the framework.

Alternatively you should be able to simply replace “collider” with “componentCollider”. It appears to simply be a modification to better support 2D games.

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Thank you! :smile: