Im getting this strange warning when I run every scene in my project.
And every scene has a different string.
It looks like this
GI output for inputsystem: 199412634be9992aca922275dbb74ba7 (57a438f54a3b355f90a4e779f0b4e778) is missing.
It doesn’t stop me from doing anything and the scene runs and looks fine.
Can anyone help me track down where this is coming from?Im using the latest 5.1.2p1
Well I loaded 5.2 B5 and ran it on a duplicate of my project.
After about 5 hours of re-importing time, I ran it and the GI warning
is gone. Unfortunately I couldn’t control the game. The control system
appears to be broken.
Deleted B5 until closer to release, but at least I see the GI warning goes away.
I would like to add some information related to this error :
Seems like this error happens when you load a scene. The GI doesn’t load the current lightning files properly and the scene lightning doesn’t appears in the Scene and Game viewer (everything that doesn’t own a emission value above 0/black gets pure black shadows).
Seems to be happening when the Auto Build/Bake from the GI (Lightning) is turned on. Turning it off and building the scene lightning manually seems to fix the problem.
If Auto Build/Bake for the lighting is turned off, built manually then turned back on, it will keep working until the scene change again.
This gave me the impression the error is really from within the saved files from the auto-build/bake system especially since the error doesn’t happens when using manually built lightning maps.
No I have never used Auto Bake.And it comes up 1 2 main places. When I load the scene as you pointed out, but also after a re-bake the scene. I have cleared the GI Cache, removed the old light maps, and even deleted the folder for the light maps. The error always comes up, sometimes 3 in a row, 2 copies of the error. But Im using 5.2f2 now, and I don’t get the error anymore.
I found out that this warning occurs when switching between scenes where the 1st scene has Precomputed Realtime GI ticked off (even if this is an init scene which has no bake data) and the other scene has it ticked on. Ticking on realtime GI on the first scene removes the warning and again loads the 2nd scene properly. Hope it helps.
Edit: Also, make sure Continuous baking (Auto) is turned off on the 1st scene as this might periodically trigger the bug.
The same problem
Unity Version 5.1.3f1 - was following tutorial: Survival Shooter it happend right after I finished Video 06 - Player Health I did ress play, after stopping game lights are gone, evrything turned into white and this error appeared.
Realoading Scene didnt help, however reloading unity does help, but intill first play.
Regarding Lights - didnt find “Auto-baking” option, possibly it was in older version of Unity.