[NEW YEAR SALE 50% OFF] Variant Studio XL - Configurator for Unity

Hello Everyone

Big news!! Our package is now live on the Asset Store!

:link: Links

:kiwi_fruit: What is VARIANT STUDIO XL?

Whether you’re looking for an alternative to Prefab/Material Variants or Editor Presets, Variant Studio XL streamlines the process, allowing you to create and manage variations effortlessly. Skip the headache of writing a script for every little detail.

Our tool helps you cut down on repetitive work and spend more time fine-tuning what really matters in your project. Set up and manage Prefabs, Components, and Objects variants in just a few clicks.

Meshes, materials, and references of any kind can be swapped out, environment lighting changed, prefabs instantiated, audio clips played, Unity events triggered, and component values tweaked on the fly. VARIANT ANYTHING !!!

Variant Studio XL is built to be Flexible. It lets you break down your data into parts you can reuse, which makes it easier for teams to work together.

Configurations can be applied to children or other instances in a scene. Variant targets can be resolved at runtime using specific tags, IDs, or types and can be extended for custom needs.

Whether you’re making Games, working on Industrial Projects, building things like Product Configurators for online stores, or tackling other creative tasks, our versatile tool opens up all sorts of options for you. No coding required!

:hammer_and_pick: Core Features

  • Configure GameObjects and Scenes across all scales, in both Editor and Runtime
  • Auto-Capture any component variables and shader properties (string, bool, int, float, AnimationCurve, Color, Gradient, etc.)
  • Suitable for a wide range of applications (e.g., character/game skinning, UI menu, environment/scene presets, day/night lighting, action cues, product configurator, etc.)
  • Modular data management mixing Components and Scriptable Objects
  • Variant and VariantSet Availabilities
  • Tween between configurations/presets or animate using the Unity Timeline
  • Automatic Thumbnail Generation for Variants and Variant Sets
  • Localization (MetaSets)
  • Supports Custom Property Scripts & UI, and Third-party Plugins
  • Editor Undo/Redo
  • Full C# Source Code
  • Regular updates and support

:toolbox: Compatibility

  • Works in Editor and Runtime
  • Works on All Platforms and All Render Pipelines
  • Works on IL2CPP and Mono scripting backend
  • Supported on Unity 2021.x and Above (Unity 6 ready)

:tada: Third Party Extensions

  • FEEL: property change detection & scripts (play, stop, set variables, etc.)
  • DOTween: context/configuration tweening & property scripts
  • Playmaker: FSM context & configuration actions, Get/Set (variables, events, states).
  • Visual Effect Graph: property change detection & scripts (play, stop, set bool, float, string, etc.)
  • Post Processing: property change detection & scripts (set values, objects, etc.)

:package: Demos Included

  • Bedroom (Built-in, URP and HDRP)
  • Weapon Switching (URP)
  • Customizable skateboard (URP) WebGL Skate Demo
  • Instantiate & Resolve targets (URP)
  • Timeline Transition & Tweening (URP)
  • Variant Zone Triggers (URP)
  • Create Context at Runtime (URP)

:raising_hand_man: Join the Discussion

Feel free to leave a comment below or join our Discord server. We’d love to hear your feedback and answer any questions you might have about the product and its possibilities.

It does look very interesting for workflow enhancement. I’ve been using tools to try keep track of favorite, or using unity search but it’s all only half baked and very time consuming.

Also, the timeline integration seems VERY interesting for our current game. We use timeline a lot, we have a lot of script for dynamic binding, I wonder if it could be complementary here for us. In the upcoming time we’ll need to bind an awfull lot of item for VFX and such.

We should give it a try.

A question about timeline integration,

This blending feature supports the following data types: float, double, Color, Color32, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Gradient, AnimationCurve, Quaternion.

Still, does the preset allow events / booleans activations in timeline (ofc without blending) ?

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Glad to hear! Yes, everything that is defined in a variant will be triggered (including Unity events, bool values, etc.).

For Timeline with non-blendable properties, the variant track with the higher weight will be selected (depending on the blend position).

For a Tween apply process, you can choose the trigger time (0.0 = at start to 1.0 = at end).

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Just to let you know that I have added an option here so non-blendable properties and events can be triggered once OR multiple times, depending on the use case.

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Thanks for the info.

The current use-case I’d be interested to look into is the following :

We’d like to create specific feedback that uses tens of different elements of the map. Particles systems / object positions / sounds / animations.

Also I’d have the same going on for start up settings, with switch on a variety of different items depending on some parameters (Animation / character / team colors).

In that sens I was particularly interested by the “collection” system and by the “resolvers” to help us bind things at runtime.

I already created a serie of Timeline runtime binders, to bind runtime objects on tracks depending on a naming convention (Like character 1 of team 1, etc …), but in this case I’d rather not create a track for each of the element as it will be unsettling to handle manually. Moreover those items are not necessarilly part of the game backend simulation but only “decorative” ones.

This sounds totally doable!

However, be aware that the provided Particle System (built-in) scripts only support ‘Play()’ and ‘Stop()’ methods. You may have to implement custom IProperty scripts to update module values (start lifetime, speed, etc.). While this functionality might be added in the future, currently, only the VFX graph is fully supported.

Regarding the Timeline, you could certainly bind a configurable context and let the resolver to find targets based on the current state of your game/characters.

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Also, our new URP weapon demo is coming soon. It’s a good example of how to swap meshes and adjust transforms.

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So my usecase wants me to have scene “snapshots” at edit time. Basically a simple way to have several variant of the same scene (mainly component/GO enabled/disabled) for fast developement and testing.

Actually, it seem it’s quite the core asset usage. So I just bought it :wink:

In that sens, I was wondering, do you support, or are planning to support, multi-scene setups ?

That would be a must if we could at edit time and asynchronously/addressebly (new word) at play time enable/disable entire feature sets this way. it would allow for collaboration, easier tracking etc.

For instance right now, we have a map scene and a debug unit scene, I’d love to be able with one click to load both the debug unit scene additivelly and enable in the map scene the debug elements as well. Then with a simple click just revert back to build state, unloading the debug scene, and try it out.


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That’s great news, thank you so much!

What you could do for a multi-scene setup is creating two configurable context with a different TargetGroup Collection (local to the gameObject) and shared VariantSet Collection, MetaSet Collection and Configuration.

Each scene will have different Target Groups that can be assigned to the same shared variant.

This way, you could apply the same shared variant on two different scene context. Since Unity does not support cross scene references, this could be a great alternative.

In case you want to use Unity Events or have local scene references in your variant property scripts, you can use different TargetGroup Collection, VariantSet Collection, MetaSet Collection (local to the gameObject) but a shared Configuration. This way, the same configuration can be applied targeting different contexts and variants.

An other option could be using a TargetGroup Resolver to find object accross the different scenes.

New Year Sale (50% OFF)

Hi everyone,

We’re excited to share that Variant Studio XL is 50% OFF as part of Unity’s New Year Sale!

The offer is only available for a limited time, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to grab it at this great price.

Asset Store: Variant Studio XL - Configurator for Unity | Utilities Tools | Unity Asset Store