Newb: Why won't my heightmap work

Right, I’ve been at this for a while now and must throw in the towel - I can’t figure it out. I am trying the simple task of importing a .raw image to use as a heightmap for a terrain, but whenever I do, the result is this (or similar):

Can anyone tell what it is I am doing wrong?

If it’s 16-bit, possibly you’re trying to import as “PC” when you should use “Mac”, or vice versa. Don’t worry about the names; they’re pretty meaningless. If that’s not it, then maybe the size is wrong…it has to be a power of two+1. i.e., 513, 1025, etc.


  1. What is the size of your .raw file?
  2. What program did you create this .raw file in? 3.When you exported this .raw file, what is the export size? ( example 1024 when exporting from L3DT is changed by the user as 1025)
  3. When inporting your .raw file into Unity what are your settings?

Of course I find the answer by chance 5 minutes after I post here. Thanks anyway, guys. I was exporting a drawn heightmap from Photoshop, and had not set it to export in Interleaved Order, and thus exported it in Non-Interleaved Order. Once I fixed this, it imported perfectly. Doh. >_>

I ve been having similar problems with this heightmap of the UK…

Its 512 by 512 and Ive been converting it to a .raw in photoshop CS (interleaved) and importing it so that width and height are the same as the starting terrain but only getting nonsense back

I’m running on windows and checking that box when it asks me…

Any advice please?