Newbee Question - Removing the end of a string.

Apologies for how basic this question is.

I’m a 3D modeller and animator, not a programmer but need to write a simple programme as part of some research.

This code works.

foreach (Transform letter in markers)
Debug.Log(“Letter=” + letter);

I just need to remove the end of the transform letter. The length of the transform will change. I want to keep the first letter only.

Thank you.

I just need to remove the end of the string letter. The length of the string will change. I want to keep the first letter only.

The 0 is where it starts and the 1 is how many to remove.

   stringVariable= value.Substring(0, stringVariable.Length - 1);

If you only need the 1st letter you can use markers[0] to get the 1st letter and leave the string unchanged.

As the other 2 answers kind of miss some things in your code, here we go with a third one:

You might want to check what you are doing in your code.

You are iterating (looping) over a List or Array called markers. The variable type of letter is not string but Transform. Assuming that you want to have the first letter of the name of the object you need this:

foreach (Transform letter in markers) { 
     var firstLetter =[0].ToString();
     Debug.Log($"Letter object is of type Transform but it's name is {} with the first letter of the name being {firstLetter}");

The ToString() is a recommendation as taking one index of a string results in a char variable and not a string.

let me know if that helped…