i have this duck asset that have idle, walk, jump animation. i wanna make it so that when im not doin anything it will go idle and when its walking it does the walking animation and when its jumping it would do the jumping animation. the tutorials in youtube only uses the input.getkey command but my i did my movements in playerinput and i spent almost 5 days watching the tutorial learning it so i dont wanna do it all over again please somebody help me.
For one side: I’m sorry to say you this but…
"i spent almost 5 days " […] “i dont wanna do it all over again”
This is exactly the definition of learn scripting (and you will never stop learning, so…) If you are lazy, don’t continue now, but you will need to do it again tomorrow.
On the other side: There are other ways to make the animation. This is scripitng, its all about trigger->Effect
If you saw tutorials where the trigger to change a animation is an input, ok, but of course you can do any other trigger you want… some variable, some parameter, some timer, some calculation…
Where is the problem? Make a varaiable that calculates the speed of your object, and change the animation depending on that variable value…