Newbie having problems with attaching cloth to a character. PLEASE HELP!

Hey everyone,

I'm working as an artist on a project, and we need the character to have a scarf that flows down his back. I personally don't know very much about Unity, and I'm trying to figure out how I can make this work.

Right now it's a Unity cloth swapped out with a plane mesh, being attached to the character with a box collider parented to his neck joint I believe.

There are two box coliders being used to keep the cloth from going through his body, and the scarf and these two colliders are on a separate layer, with the intent that no other collisions or anything would interfere.

The problem is a large flat area at the top of the cloth where it seems to be resting on some sort of other collider. Originally this flat area was larger, and rounded on the edge, as it was being effected by the character controller's capsule collider. I then added this capsule to the cloth collision layer, with the result in the following screens.

For some reason it doesn't look like there are any tutorials online about attaching a scarf or cape to a character in Unity, which you'd think would be a common topic!

Any help is very much appreciated, as deadlines are approaching this week!

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you can put a mesh collider so the body so the scarf could cover it nicely like a cloth. scale down the size of the collider so as to overlap with only the edge of the scarf. and make sure that the scarf has lots of vertexes and it’s not just made of 2-3 faces