Newbie needing some help please?

Hello Unity community,

I’m trying to learn Unity and not doing to bad for my very first 3d environment. Well I’ve run into a problem I don’t know how to handle.

I’m using standard assets “Third person controller”
Character model from “Mixamo”

I’ve made some animations for Idle, Walk and Run using the animation program in Unity

Now here is my problem - The animations (although very newbish) work for the most part, but they stay in whatever animation the last move key was in, ie, if walking the character stops and stays in that position instead of going to the Idle position.

Please look here :

I look forward to any input, just remember I am a Newb and all this was put together from assets and packages I’ve found over the web, I really don’t know much about C# or JS.

Thanks in advance for you knowledge and wisdom

It looks good for a first attempt but I am surprised you are not trying to build an MMO already.

Is there a spot light attached to the camera? There was a slightly weird lighting effect behind the player character. If there is, maybe you want to make it a beauty light above the character instead, though watch out for glare from the player character’s bald dome. :slight_smile:

I would try and make the player character return to an idle pose when not walking, rather than being caught mid-stride. (Edit: Whoops! Just re-read your post and noticed you already mentioned that.)

My biggest criticism would be camera control at this time.

What is your eventual goal for this, other than creating an MMO I mean, I would certainly keep plugging away at it and think about game play now you have a basic world up and running.

Thanks for the fast reply,

Didn’t realize the camera had a problem, will investigate that - thanks. Yes there is some lighting effect due to the rain I’m working with from “chronosphere” had to totally figure that one out since it was packaged in first person only. Still haven’t figured out how to get “itween” for the random weather and the “raintubes” placed properly for third person.

Yes the problem I’m having is the character return to Idle, I can’t find any tutorial that explains that situation. I don’t know how to accomplish this. How to get my character to return to Idle after button release? Thanks

if you used the 3rd controller scripts and such from unity’s library, make sure after switching the worker with your model, you split the animations accordingly, and i think you might have a rigidbody attached to your character, make sure there is none attached.

No rigidbody added as far as I can tell, at least nothing saying Rigidbody in my character model or scripts.

Not sure what you mean by splitting the animations though, I made my own animations using the Unity animation window, all 3 animations are 2 min length and looped. Should I have made them for different times? and split them using the animation split on the model?

Two minutes is probably a bit long for an animation, especially if it is a walk cycle. If you are seeking some variation in your steps then consider using animation morph targets to hop between subtly different walk cycles or animation layering where you have your standard walk cycle and you have layered one or more other animations on top of the primary animation to give it some variation. A good study in the basis of player character animations would be World of Warcraft (it’s free for the first 20 levels of play) as they have had a decade to perfect them. Well worth an afternoon of study and duplication to see how those have been done.

Thanks Justin but no. I’ve played WoW and many hundred of other MMO’s. Not trying to change the walk cycle or anything like that. Just can’t get the models body parts to return to Idle position after movement. The animation of The Idle position is working cause you can see the breathing motion. however his arms and legs remain in the last movement positions and don’t return to Idle animation. I’ve even tried to add keyframes to the Idle animation to make those parts return, but that causes all kinds of problems with the other animations.

what I’m getting at - I just want the model and all his parts to return to Idle position after any movement.

I’ve not found anything in tutorials that’s helped so far.

P.S. I will make an MMO one day, but I’m still learning { I want to make an MMO with functionality of “Minecraft” (you the man Notch) with better graphics and be as in-depth with crafting as “Wurm Online” (got a good game Rolf)}

well, make sure you play the animations till the end before you switch to idle and other animations… and if you are at frame 1 you will have to way 2 minutes for it to finish :))

I guess I’m so Newb I’m not explaining it properly.

When I’m standing still before moving, I’m in Idle position - ok good

When I press “w” to walk forward character moves forward -ok good

When I release “w” Character stops walking - ok good

Here’s what I need the help with.---- His arms and legs remain in the last walking position but you can see his chest move like he’s in the idle position. Just his arms and legs have not returned to Idle position.

because you stop playing thewalk animation at the point when you are not moving, and the character keeps that position, then it plays over the idle animation. you NEED to play the walk cycle till the end, where the character is in the correct position.

I guess some Unity beginners know their limits (or may just not like MMOs).