I use Unity 2022.1 version
I learned how to use the new Input system in my project,
I have in my actions asset file, one action as (Touchscreen > PrimaryTouch / Tap)
Unity detect my single input, but it trigger the event 3 times
void TouchDetected()
Debug.Log("Touch Detected"); // it prints 3 times
tried to use Input.touchesCount to limit the event for 1 tap, but won’t work as I found touches is not supported in my MacOS (have to use mobile device)
Tried to use Unity Remote 5 on my mobile, but did not work
Tried to use Input.GetMouseInputDown(0), Unity made error, as I’m using the new Input system cannot use that function
this is the first issue,
my second issue is I would like to detect the touch position
(as my goal is to disable the touch in a part of the screen / it override on another game object for another input purpose)