Newbie question - detect a simple touch tap

I use Unity 2022.1 version

I learned how to use the new Input system in my project,

I have in my actions asset file, one action as (Touchscreen > PrimaryTouch / Tap)

Unity detect my single input, but it trigger the event 3 times

void TouchDetected()
    Debug.Log("Touch Detected"); // it prints 3 times
  • tried to use Input.touchesCount to limit the event for 1 tap, but won’t work as I found touches is not supported in my MacOS (have to use mobile device)

  • Tried to use Unity Remote 5 on my mobile, but did not work

  • Tried to use Input.GetMouseInputDown(0), Unity made error, as I’m using the new Input system cannot use that function

this is the first issue,

my second issue is I would like to detect the touch position

(as my goal is to disable the touch in a part of the screen / it override on another game object for another input purpose)

Hey mate !

Look at this video : Unity - Multiple Touches on Mobile Device [Input.GetTouch] - YouTube

There is everything you need right there :slight_smile: