Newcomer Question

Hi All,

I’m new to UNITY and to programming. Just done the beginners tutorial and am getting quite excited about what it can do for a programming half-wit like me :wink: I have a couple of questions :

  1. Can anyone reccommend a beginners book on Javascript? The Beginning Javascript by Paul Wilton looks OK - any opinions?

  2. There is a really frustrating thing happening when I select different assets in my project. The inspector pane doesn’t immediately list the asset properties. It remains blank. I have to click the “inspector” drop down list (selecting “inspector” again). Then it lists all the appropriate parameters, etc. for the asset. Hopefully this makes sense. I’m on OS X 10.4.

Looking forward to contributing in the future.



Notice the lock icon in the top-right corner. When selected, the inspector will not follow the current selection in the project or hierarchy views, but keep showing the current asset. (Or nothing if it’s not showing anything)

Also I reccomend not to use the Expert mode except when debugging scripts using private member variables, as it will show everything using the default inspector and not any custom inspectors that make the life so much easier.

Many thanks! Makes sense, of course, but when there is so much to learn the obvious answer isn’t always apparent.

Thanks again


I believe Boxy recommended a book in this thread which we have here at work (I just discovered) and is apparently pretty good …

Welcome, btw! I spent a couple days hiking around Perth many many years ago when I was hanging out for a couple of months in Scotland with my relatives there (in Kilsyth, 1/2 down the rail line between Glasgow and Sterling).