Newtonsoft JSON package missing after moving project?

Not sure where to put this.
I moved my project folder from one laptop to another.
Now I am getting errors that the Newtonsoft namespace could not be found.

I did not have any Newtonsoft folders in my project, so I guess it must have been in the packages?
But I tried to re-add Newtonsoft JSON as a package, but I can’t find it in the package manager?

Can anyone help?

It is now included as part of unity, add their package instead of the newtonsoft one :slight_smile:


How can I add it?

I can’t find it in the package manager.


You can add it via package manager using “com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json@3.0” or “com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json”, if unsure how to do that I suggest reading up on the different ways to add packages to package manager:

Good luck :slight_smile:


Thank you!

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Forgive me, I don’t understand what any of that means. I’m fairly new to Unity.

What I tried:
1. With Visual Studio

  • Opened the Unity solution (.sln file) in Visual Studio
  • Opened the Package Manager in Visual Studio
  • Added Newtonsoft.Json.
    => When I rebuild the solution in VS, no errors
    => Then, when I rebuild in Unity, it seems to ignore the package.

2. With Unity’s Package Manager, by searching
(I’m using Unity 2021.3.29f1)

  • Open unity’s Package Manager (Window → Package Manager)
  • It starts with the dropdown set to “Packages: In Project”. I type “json” in the search bar → no result
  • I change the dropdown to “Packages: Unity registry”. I type “json” in the search bar. → no results
  • I change to “Packages: Built-in”. I type “json” in the search → I find “JSONSerialize”. that’s no good because that’s a different Json utility meant for Unity classes, not Newtonsoft.

2. With Unity’s Package Manager, by entering package name explicitly

  • Still in Unity’s Package Manager

Attempt #1:

  • Click on the “+” button. Select “Update package by name…
  • Enter “com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json@3.0” → Error in the unity console “Cannot find a version of package [com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json] compatible with this Unity version (2021.3.29f1)”

Attempt #2:

How do you add basic Json deserialization to Unity?
By the way I also tried System.Text.Json but since Unity targets an older version of .Net it’s not available.

I finally managed… I was so close!

  • Open unity’s Package Manager (Window → Package Manager)
  • Click on the “+” button. Select “Update package by name…
  • Enter com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json (just as MadeFromPolygons suggested… Tricked by my ADD again :-/ )
  • The package gets installed
  • Then in the C# file :
using Newtonsoft.Json;

Unity rebuilds. Success.


Thanks for this response! You’re awesome.

thanks so much !

Thank you so much! U saved me :slight_smile:

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