"Next-gen" enviro practice

I’m practicing nature props with as “next-gen” quality as I possibly can. I will add stuff here as it gets done.

First, here are some rocks and grass texture. :slight_smile:


Modular cliff wall. I’m not quite pleased with it. It lost that nice jaggedness that my rocks have. Definately will work this one more. I’d also like it to have some moss on it,

Second try at cliffs, progress I think!

Formation viewed from distance.

](Imgur: The magic of the Internet)

The grass needs a little work but the rocks look amazing.

Only issue with the grass IMO is the tiling. The rocks are ok, but seem more like they should be near water then in an open field… Don’t know why, just the feeling I get.

Also, IMO again, it feels more like something from a Shrek universe then the real world. That may be due to the distance from the objects (less texture detail), and it’s probably just me.

Really good work though.

Actually, I get where you’re coming from now that you’ve pointed it out.

Thank you for replies! It’s not so much of a environment yet, but an assortment of props if you will . It won’t be open field but real environment when I get more done! :slight_smile:

There are two new pics! The desert one uses only single rock mesh, more variation and better results would be archieved with couple more, but I have short attention span lol.

Nice looking assets. How do you make them?
Will you post them in asset store?

Good job! What are you planning on making next?

Something was bothering me about those palm frawns and it’s that they don’t look like they’re casting shadows on themselves. (?)

The tonal range is barking at me.

Too much bloom.

nice job!

need some decent cliff rock stuff.

you planning on selling it?

Awesome that you like my work! I could definitely make a set of different kinds of cliffs and rocks for asset store.