nextNode.rendererData.m_RendererType == kRendererMesh

Hi i am getting this error using the latest beta build.

nextNode.rendererData.m_RendererType == kRendererMesh

It only seems to come up in the editor randomly when i press play.


the error does not show me what mesh renderer it is coming from.

It seems to be a GI issue the profiler had a few bumps that lead to the directional light, so i turned that off and it fixed the bumps.

It was a realtime GI issue, i made everything baked and it fixed all the errors

Okay definitely a global illumination bug. i had to turn of GI

here is my profiler.

Hey @ReignOfDave

It seems to me that the “nextNode.rendererData.m_RendererType == kRendererMesh” you’ve been seeing is not related to GI. We would however appreciate if you submitted a bug report with a repro case. It’s an error that should never happen™.

That said what are the “all the errors” that you mention? Any other errors in the console?

As for the profiler screenshot, it would be nice if you showed the details for one of the frames with a spike. :slight_smile: At least it’s not the GI system itself that is the direct reason of the spike (it uses the red color in the CPU usage block of the profiler and there is no red). It could however be affecting the renderer by e.g. asking it to upload newly computed lightmaps.

No there are no other errors, there was one other that i seemed to have fixed. If it comes back i shall post about it.

Also sending on a bug report now!