NFC/RFID reading for Android or iOS

Hello everyone,

I have had an idea as part of a graphic design/computer science school project where there would be different collectible trading cards that can be detected using the phone camera and will show a 3D model using AR and can also be scanned using NFC/RFID to gain access to something within the app.

I have finished the AR segment using Vuforia and I am now moving on to the NFC/RFID part however most things I’ve seen are from over 5 years ago and I’m not sure if they would still work or if they are very up to date.

The idea is that the app would read different NFC/RFID tags in the background while the app is open and can then show something on-screen or play an audio source from that.

I was wondering how easy this is to use with the use of a package or something since I am quite new to developing apps using unity, especially using more complex technology like this.

Thanks in advance,
NatSop (Nathan)

Hi Nathan, did you find a solution for this?

I’d like to use the same AR/NFC combo for a Scavenger Hunt and wondering if NFC can act as a trigger. Even better if it can be located in space in AR (not holding my breath here).


hey just checking if anyone has found a soultion i want to use this combo for a monster game im working on pleas elet me know ?