NGUI and PinchZoom

I have found PinchZoom Script from this link, How to do Pinch Zoom and Panning In Unity 2D and Unity 3D
I tried to use it with NGUI UI texture. But the output is incorrect. Anyone can help?

Here is my code modified from PinchZoom.cs:

void Start () {

	parentObject = new GameObject("ParentObject");
	parentObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1,1,1);
	parentObject.transform.parent = transform.parent;
	parentObject.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x*-1, transform.position.y*-1, transform.position.z);
	transform.parent = parentObject.transform;

	ScreenSize = UICamera.mainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(Screen.width,Screen.height));
	originalPos =;


void Update () {


		Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(0);

		if (Input.touchCount == 1){

			if(Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved){
				Vector3 diff = touch.deltaPosition * 0.1f;
				Vector3 pos = transform.position + diff;

				if(pos.x > ScreenSize.x * (parentObject.transform.localScale.x-1))
					pos.x = ScreenSize.x * (parentObject.transform.localScale.x-1);

				if(pos.x < ScreenSize.x * (parentObject.transform.localScale.x-1)*-1)
					pos.x = ScreenSize.x * (parentObject.transform.localScale.x-1)*-1;

				if(pos.y > ScreenSize.y * (parentObject.transform.localScale.y-1))
					pos.y = ScreenSize.y * (parentObject.transform.localScale.y-1);

				if(pos.y < ScreenSize.y * (parentObject.transform.localScale.y-1)*-1)
					pos.y = ScreenSize.y * (parentObject.transform.localScale.y-1)*-1;

				transform.position = pos;



		if (Input.touchCount == 2){





void checkForMultiTouch(){

	if(Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Moved && Input.GetTouch(1).phase == TouchPhase.Moved){
		midPoint = new Vector2(((Input.GetTouch(0).position.x + Input.GetTouch(1).position.x)/2), ((Input.GetTouch(0).position.y + Input.GetTouch(1).position.y)/2));

		midPoint = UICamera.currentCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(midPoint);

		curDist = Input.GetTouch(0).position - Input.GetTouch(1).position; //current distance between finger touches

		prevDist = ((Input.GetTouch(0).position - Input.GetTouch(0).deltaPosition) - (Input.GetTouch(1).position - Input.GetTouch(1).deltaPosition)); //difference in previous locations using delta positions

		float touchDelta = curDist.magnitude - prevDist.magnitude;

			if(parentObject.transform.localScale.x < MAXSCALE && parentObject.transform.localScale.y < MAXSCALE)
				Vector3 scale = new Vector3(parentObject.transform.localScale.x + scale_factor, parentObject.transform.localScale.y + scale_factor, 1);
				scale.x = (scale.x > MAXSCALE) ? MAXSCALE : scale.x; // if true, maxscale, else scale.x
				scale.y = (scale.y > MAXSCALE) ? MAXSCALE : scale.y;

		else if(touchDelta<0)
			if(parentObject.transform.localScale.x > MIN_SCALE && parentObject.transform.localScale.y > MIN_SCALE)
				Vector3 scale = new Vector3(parentObject.transform.localScale.x + scale_factor*-1, parentObject.transform.localScale.y + scale_factor*-1, 1);
				scale.x = (scale.x < MIN_SCALE) ? MIN_SCALE : scale.x;
				scale.y = (scale.y < MIN_SCALE) ? MIN_SCALE : scale.y;
	}else if (Input.touchCount == 2 && (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Ended || Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Canceled || Input.GetTouch(1).phase == TouchPhase.Ended || Input.GetTouch(1).phase == TouchPhase.Canceled)) 
		if(parentObject.transform.localScale.x < 1 || parentObject.transform.localScale.y < 1)
			parentObject.transform.localScale =;
			parentObject.transform.position = new Vector3(originalPos.x*-1, originalPos.y*-1, originalPos.z);
			transform.position = originalPos;
			Vector3 pos = transform.position;
			if(pos.x > ScreenSize.x * (parentObject.transform.localScale.x-1))
				pos.x = ScreenSize.x * (parentObject.transform.localScale.x-1);
			if(pos.x < ScreenSize.x * (parentObject.transform.localScale.x-1)*-1)
				pos.x = ScreenSize.x * (parentObject.transform.localScale.x-1)*-1;
			if(pos.y > ScreenSize.y * (parentObject.transform.localScale.y-1))
				pos.y = ScreenSize.y * (parentObject.transform.localScale.y-1);
			if(pos.y < ScreenSize.y * (parentObject.transform.localScale.y-1)*-1)
				pos.y = ScreenSize.y * (parentObject.transform.localScale.y-1)*-1;
			transform.position = pos;


static Vector3 prevPos =;
private void scaleFromPosition(Vector3 scale, Vector3 fromPos)
		Vector3 prevParentPos = parentObject.transform.position;
		parentObject.transform.position = fromPos;	
		Vector3 diff = parentObject.transform.position - prevParentPos;
		Vector3 pos = new Vector3(diff.x/parentObject.transform.localScale.x*-1, diff.y/parentObject.transform.localScale.y*-1, transform.position.z);
		transform.localPosition = new Vector3(transform.localPosition.x + pos.x, transform.localPosition.y+pos.y, pos.z);
	parentObject.transform.localScale = scale;
	prevPos = fromPos;


Its as simple as scaling the boundaries or turning on and off views of different sizes bigger means zoomed out while smaller is zoomed in, i figured that out while trying to do something with a lower class program.