nGUI how to deactivate UICheckbox by script?

Hi, I’m new to nGUI (2.7), I’ll explain shortly what I’m doing: I’m using a UIButton with UICheckbox script attached to make it stay selected when pressed. Another button has the duty to disable this button selected returning it to its initial state. In order to do this I created a script but the checkbox button doesn’t return to its initial state (the checkmark sprite still active) despite the value isChecked it return false, can someone help me?
Below you can see the script that I used, thanks in advance!

public void checkboxInitialStyle (){
	UICheckbox checkbox = GameObject.Find("PressedButton").GetComponent<UICheckbox>();
	if (checkbox != null) {
		checkbox.isChecked = false;

Are you sure it’s getting in and changing the value? How about you put a log to make sure it’s getting in and that’s checkbox isn’t null:

 if (checkbox != null) {
    checkbox.isChecked = false;
    print ("I'm in");

If it’s not in, this means it’s null so change the way you’re getting the value of checkbox, why not just assign it from the inspector? It’s better anyway than GameObject.Find

Else if it’s in and it’s still not changed, I suggest you debug, and follow the code inside NGUI and see how it behaves.