The asset store lacks a NGUI picker package. I’m giving it a shot, comments and suggestions are welcome!
Features so far :
-Horizontal and vertical
-Auto center on release
-Infinite loop
-Handles any drag speed
-Labels, sprites, compound objects
-Add / remove elements dynamically
-ScrollWheel support
-Optional scroll buttons - click to forward one element, hold to scroll
-Date picker in 6 languages, format customizable
-Customizable number picker ( min, max and step )
-Receive selection callbacks as index or content ( label text, spritename )
-Recycles 5 objects for best performance ( no instantiate )
If you want to zip things make them downloadable (vs playable on the web) you really should make a standalone (for each of the 3 platform if it’s supported on all) instead of a webplayer!
A good example to add would be a real world example like an in app purchase screen where you have some currency and you can spend it on objects shown with your control.
I would also like to see an NGUI modal popup window that greys out the background and makes it so you can only select things on the popup window. It could be a nice addition.
Thanks for the input. About the iAP example you mention, would a “Sprite+Label” picker do? That way, prices could be dynamically updated indepedently from sprites. The List of elements could be of a struct specifying label text and sprite name, as well as sprite scale and position.
About the popup window :
I do it all the time in my projects, but it is a different asset alltogether. I’d rather keep this release focused on pickers, and maybe do a NGUI Extensions asset further down the road.