NGUI Repeat button In JavaScript problem

I’m work in JavaScript I make movement button in NGUI so I need repeat button according to my search I found this,

public class RepeatButtons : MonoBehaviour
    public float delay = 1.00f;
    public float interval = 0.25f;

    bool mIsPressed = false;
    float mNextClick = 0f;

    void OnPress (bool isPressed) 
        mIsPressed = isPressed;
        mNextClick = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + delay; 

        // Perform action as soon as button is pressed.
        if (isPressed)
    void Update ()
        // Adjusted condition slightly...
        if (mIsPressed && Time.realtimeSinceStartup >= mNextClick)
            mNextClick = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + interval;

    void PerformAction() {
        //Do something

I try to something but it is not working.

public var delay    : float  = 1.00f;
public var interval : float  = 0.25f;

var mIsPressed : boolean = false;
var mNextClick : float   = 0f;
var isPressed : boolean = true;

function OnPress () 
    mIsPressed = isPressed;
    mNextClick = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + delay; 

     // Perform action as soon as button is pressed.

function Update ()
        // Adjusted condition slightly...
    if(mIsPressed && Time.realtimeSinceStartup >= mNextClick)
        mNextClick = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + interval;

function PerformAction() {
    Debug.Log("Hey ho");

How I convert this to JS?

You are not taking the bool parameter in OnPress:

This should do the trick in JS.

#pragma strict
	var delay: float  = 1.00f;
	var interval: float  = 0.25f;
	var mIsPressed:boolean = false;
	var mNextClick: float  = 0.25f;
	function OnPress (isPressed:boolean) 
		mIsPressed = isPressed;
		mNextClick = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + delay; 
		// Perform action as soon as button is pressed.
		if (isPressed)
	function Update ()
		// Adjusted condition slightly...
		if (mIsPressed && Time.realtimeSinceStartup >= mNextClick)
			mNextClick = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + interval;
	function PerformAction() {
		Debug.Log("late button");
		//Do something