NGUI scroll list issue

Hi all,

Firstly I am sorry if I am posting it in the wrong forum.

Actually we are creating a game for iPhone and iPad and we are using NGUI. I created a scroll list, each row in the scroll list has 3 labels in it and a button. The scroll list works fine until I delete a row. I am using that button in the row to delete it. When I delete a row the button in the deleted row is still visible but all the labels are gone and also the space for the deleted row is still visible. When I move the scroll list up or down some how it updates its self and the remaining objects rearrange them selves. (the button for deleted row and blank space is gone)

I am already using “grid.Reposition();” which works fine when I add an item to the scroll list or if I delete the items from the bottom of the list. I think I am missing some sort of UI update call but I am not sure.

Please let me know what might be the issue and what can I do fix it.


Is the problem visible only in iOS, or does it happen in the editor too? Either way, I’d suggest asking the question in NGUI’s forum, you’ll usually get fast response there.

Hi Mtoive,

I haven’t tested it on the iPhone yet so currently it is happening in the editor. And thanks for directing me to NGUI forums.
