NGUI - Vector 3 Position different from position

I’ve been trying to set a vector3 position in a new array and set the positions in code, yet when I have a transform object move to the location, it jumps to a different one:

public Vector3[] mousePosition;

mousePosition = new Vector3[2];

	mousePosition[0] = new Vector3(0.0F, -37.0F,0.0F);
    	fieldmouse.transform.position = mousePosition[0];

I’m using C# and just don’t get it. The code should set the Y position to -37. Yet the transform is suddenly at -6735 instead.

With NGUI you need to use localPosition - global positions are all screwy because of the number of scaled parents that NGUI uses. Basically NGUI objects are placed on pixel boundaries - but your global position is just some real world thing.

Try settings the localPosition instead.