Nightly Build System?

Ok, so I am trying to build an automatic nightly build system. So the first thing I did was create a class called build_system and then created a public static method called build_project. In the build_project I just have a call to BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer() to build a standalone windows client (sorry, don’t have the exact code right now). Now in windows commandline I run Unity in batchmode and execute command build_system.build_project and I can see that unity does start up and runs for a little (and it ranges from taking 25-60% of cpu so is seems like it is trying to build) and then the process stops but the project build was not created where I specified in the BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer call (or at all). Is there any way to get the method called to print out stuff to the commandline when I run I through commandline or is there a better way to debug this issue?


You could use Debug.Log and check on the system Console :slight_smile:

Is there any way to debug this from the command line (since that is where this will be running from anyways)?

mmhmm… not that I know of, I always check the status of my games with the console log when they are compiled :frowning:

Well I guess I will just have to make a temp menu option to test it inside the editor.