"No android module loaded"

Hello, I am trying to set up Unity for VR. When I go to build settings, and click on Android, there is no android module loaded. Which is weird because I do have VS loaded on my PC. well, I opened the “download page” and downloaded it again (3rd time) and restarted my PC. Please help. I am at my wits end.

Comigo também aconteceu a mesma coisa, instalei o Unity 3d 2017.1.1, e quando tentei mudar para a plataforma Android, lá estava esta mensagem: “Nenhum módulo Android carregado”, mas percebi que logo abaixo da mensagem existia uma link para fazer download do Android Configuração de suporte.

What do you have for Unity Preferences/External Tools/Android SDK location?

Check your directory that ends in “/2019.3.3f1/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/” (replace 2019.3.3f1 with whatever the Unity version number is that you’re using) for these files/directories:

Apk NDK Source Variations
Data OpenJDK Tools Whitelists
modules.asset SDK UnityEditor.Android.Extensions.dll

For me, most of them got dropped into “$USER/bin/” (Linux and possibly OS X; the Windows analogue may still be "Program Files" due to UnityHub having botched the task of installing the two Android support sub items.