No argument is allowed


I’m getting the following error at the last stage of the build:

C:/tizen-sdk\tools\ide/bin/tizen.bat package – “C:\Users\Jonny\workspace\Watch\Test\Temp\StagingArea\build” -t tpk -s

Error: No argument is allowed: C:"

Has anyone else come across this, or knows of a work around?



Have you set the signing profile name in player settings? It should be listed after the -s.

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Okay got a step further, it was because I didn’t

Ha, I just figured that! But not I’m getting:

Starting package

Finished package

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/tizen/tpklib/exception/TPKException
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.tizen.tpklib.exception.TPKException
at$ Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
… 4 more


Any idea what that could be?

I think I’ve seen that before. Do you have Java 1.8 installed?

I have jdk1.8.0_25, so it should be good.

It’s not because it’s the latest Tizen SDK is it?

You mean 2.4? It could be. There is at least one issue with it that I have fixed but has not been released yet.

Okay made progress, it’s building, just can’t get move the built file, FYI the issue was the Native IDE hadn’t installed in the SDK Manager!

the tpk gets created, it just can’t seem to copy it…maybe permissions…I’ll try running Unity as Admin.

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If you’re using the 2.4 SDK then that won’t help.

However you may be able to manually install the tpk for now. Find the tpk and install it using this command:

sdb install package.tpk

You’ll need to replace package.tpk with the full path to the tpk file and also sdb with the full path to sdb in the Tizen SDK.

Okay, it kind of worked, but failed:

pulled Test.tpk 100% 10MB
1 file(s) pulled. 0 file(s) skipped.
F:\SyncData\Unity\Projects\Watch\TestWatch\Test.tpk 433 KB/s (10782480 by
tes in 24.315s)
path is /opt/usr/apps/tmp/Test.tpk
__return_cb req_id[98100002] pkg_type[rpm] pkgid[Invalid package] key[start] val
__return_cb req_id[98100002] pkg_type[rpm] pkgid[Invalid package] key[end] val[f
processing result : FATAL_ERROR [61] failed
spend time for pkgcmd is [986]ms
rm: remove write-protected regular file `/opt/usr/apps/tmp/Test.tpk’?

Would this be better from the Beta 5.3?

It’s possible that it could be. It’s at least worth trying.

Worked in 5.3

I must say, I’m impressed, it might be a simple scene but it’s running on a Samsung Gear S2 Classic…very cool.

Weirdly crashed on first run, but second run worked fine.

Wait, what? You have Unity running on a Gear smartwatch? That’s the first I’ve heard of it but certainly not supported.

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Yes, that is correct… I must say I did not think it would work but…yes it works!


Hey Masterfalcon, You say not supported…but given that it works, and seems to work quite well (just done a more complex scene with realtime reflections!) is it something that will be supported in the future? I’d be more than happy to report any bugs in the 5.3 Beta, with repros.

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I would love to see a list of software versions used to get Tizen Workinng on the Gear S2 @Jonny-Roy !

Also can you access the rotation bezel in the API?

It’s the same as the Unity instructions except you do it for wearable

You basically follow samsungs links for Standalone on this page, take into account 2.4 does not support wearable so you have to do 2.3.1

You can access the bezel through c++ only, not from c#, so you have to write a native plugin to do it, but yes you can, again Unity has some pretty good documents on how to do a plugin and there is another thread where I posted a very simple one for Tizen.

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Interesting! Shame about the bezel, not sure if I have the time to get into c++. Either way I might have a play this weekend. Thanks for sharing Jonny.

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What did you do here to fix that issue? I’m curious because I’m seeing it on my machine. :slight_smile:

Hi Alex,

Is it actually creating the TPK, for it to actually deploy the TPK from Unity, you need to make sure you have the latest Unity and the latest Tizen SDK, basically there seems to be a confilict if you use an older SDK and newer Unity or vice versa.

This is the latest version as of now:

Sometimes if you google it will take you to 2.3 page instead of 2.4!

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