No attenuation with Mono sound (Ogg or .aiff)!!!

Anyone have any thoughts? I can’t seem to get the attenuation working no matter what I do with the settings in Unity.

Ogg created from Audacity and .aiff mono out of Quicktime Pro.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Some things to try:

  • Verify the sound files are mono inside of Unity by selecting them in the project view and looking in the Inspector.
  • Try playing with Rolloff Factor in the audio source. Set it to something large and the sound should be gone. Maybe you have a weird scene scale.
  • Verify you only have one AudioListener in your scene. You could use to do this.
  • Verify Min Volume and Max Volume in the audio source are set to something reasonable between 0 and 1.
  • Are there any red OpenAL errors in the Console?


O.k. I installed the script and ran it. It doesn’t select anything when I use the class name AudioListener. No errors. So I removed the listener on the camera. I still hear sound when I run it. There must be another audio listener in the scene, but I can’t find it via the script. It can’t play music or sound without a listener correct?

The file(s) are mono in Unity.

Scale size could be a problem potentially but I messed with the values to no avail.

I guess I need to find that rogue AudioListener.

Any further thoughts, thank you.



Dual AudioListeners. Thanks it works now!!! I had an Ovehead camera and it received one by default.

