Welcome to Forge Networking!
There have been very many updates from both myself and the community on the GitHub repository, please make sure you jump over to the github page and get the latest stuff. The build pipeline to the asset store is a bit slow so all the best stuff usually is on Git for a bit before it makes it to the asset store.
Also make sure to join the discord, there a lot of awesome helpful community members there!
Forge Networking Remastered is now open source! Let me quickly address common questions:
- This project is not abandoned, just embracing open source like Box2D or Linux
- We (the developers) will continue to work on the project just with the community included now
- We are looking for contributors, we are not closed off to mods/contributors
- The community is open and all about network games/apps, so you can join even if you are not using Forge Networking
Forge Networking Remastered Release Candidate 1 (RC1) will be released in our private channels (Slack) to those who own Forge Networking tomorrow. If you purchase Forge Networking now, you will receive Forge Networking Remastered for free :). Come on over and join our global community of developers!
We have uploaded 2 videos today about progress on Forge Networking Remastered (free to everyone who owns and purchases Forge Networking). Our hope is to move into an Alpha build next week to get early adopters testing out the system :). Please provide us with any feedback, and we are NOW taking requests to join the closed alpha just testing mentioned. Please us a message on Slack with the request as we have a private channel there for the group!
Websockets Alpha released!
Subreddit is back up - Reddit - Dive into anything
Moar development! We have had many things come up since Christmas and they are amazing and will push our efforts as a business far beyond what we would have hoped! What does this mean? You get @Cranick as the new full time developer of Forge Networking as well as the knowledge that our studio is funded (albeit from Forge and other things). This frees me up to do more video tutorials - as seen here and other sorts of documentation.
GitHub access for all registered developers! Are you using Forge Networking? Did you register on the developer site? You are eligible to get GitHub access! As we develop on GitHub you will get the latest commits and can test out things before they go out. Check out bug fixes, check out others pull requests, collaborate with other developers, report issues and use the wiki there. GitHub has tons of tools that help everyone out and we have decided that this will be our public issue tracking instead of EpicJoin. We just enabled all of that on our repo! We currently have about 41 developers who are a part of our GitHub so lets push that number to the hundreds!
*Can you say mega-feature sets and pull-request fixes? Of all of the networking systems we are the only from scratch one with the developer network and willingness to give full source code and GitHub repository access, you just won’t find that from a third party anywhere else! Come join the party!
New twist on old angle! For us it has always been about building a community, and with hundreds of people registered on our Slack that has been a great feat for any system. Seeing everyone collaborating and communicating with each other has been such an awesome experience for the team here. We wish nothing more than to build the community further, we will be less controlling with our GitHub Access (outside of requiring to be registered with Forge), we will use more open communication tools like MediaWiki and GitHub issues/wiki rather than pushing our own “EpicJoin” agenda. We will also encourage everyone to contribute to the wiki, to GitHub issues, via code pull requests, and more! After all, thousands of brains are better than 2 no - at least in most cases (hiveMind–) XD?
Note: Our support email is severely backed up and we may move to only go through critical emails or request those still interested or still having problems to re-iterate. This way our email doesn’t become an infinitely growing old response system.
Thank you so much to the huge amount of you who stuck through the silence and continued to make great things!
Happy Windows 10 everybody! We now have a private chat room for our Forge Networking Owners BUT if you are not an owner you can get access to chat with the developers to learn more about the system! If you would like access to the chat to ask the community questions please send an email to support@beardedmangames.com with the subject “Forge Networking Chat Request”. We have a very strong and helpful community. Hope to see you all there soon!
We have just released version 10.6 and have been working on finishing NAT Hole punching and the Load Balancer
Announcement: Asset Store Version Released!
We have released Forge Networking on our website!
This is a price per developer, not per project! Use it on as many projects as you wish!
Announcement: Website Release!
Reasons to use Forge over UNET or other solutions:
We provide full source code for every platform
No plugins needed, all source in native Unity C# code
Fast support. We focus on our system and can get bugs fixed in days, not months. Also since full source is provided, the community can submit bug fixes or features
No CCU or DAU limitation
Support for Unity 4.6+ as well as Unity 5+
Built in server browser
Built in local area network server finding
Support for TCP communication
Come join our Global User base!
-------------------- BEGIN ORIGINAL POST --------------------
I have been able to get my Networking library working for all supported platforms of Unity. This includes the following:
TCP (required for any reasonable playability in the Web Player)
UDP/R-UDP (unreliable and reliable)
Multi-Threaded structure (while still holding main thread variable integrity)
Event driven (register events for almost anything, including: player disconnection, message sent, errors, etc.)
RPC (remote procedure calls) even including private methods (must be called from the specified type).
Automatic serialization of common types
Allows for custom type serialization (expansion)
A serialization class that has any property marked with the [NetworkSerialized] flag sent across the network (must be networking serialized type)
A base networking serialized class to extend from in order to serialize any data type
This package will also include the Master Server for host listings. The Arbiter Server keeps track of open hosts running your specified game (separated by key) for super easy match making host lookup. Includes player counts, ip/port, password (via comment), and auto dropping of cached hosts that don’t UDP ping within a specified TTL (time to live in seconds).
I am posting here to get feedback on what people would like to see as well as what people expect to see in a networking library. I will be uploading some videos soon to show the basic workflow as it currently stands.
NOTICE: We have heard that some people using other networking systems are spreading some rumors. We have been asked about this enough times to post here. Lets iron out the facts!
Q: Do you use ASCII to send data over the network?
A: NO We have not ever nor ever wills send data as ASCII this is a complete fabrication. We did send a couple of RPC calls as a string very, very early in development which no longer happened after we implemented our mapping layer. This is probably where the rumor started.
Q: So and so “ripped them a new one”
A: NO In fact, if you continue reading, we actually corrected Mr. So and so as he said things that were just not true and any faults we had in our first 3 weeks of development were ironed out. Please look at our update changelogs and velocity.
Please ask us if you have any questions and thank you to everyone who corrected these misconceptions on our behalf. 
To access the developer portal, please got to: http://developers.forgepowered.com