No Connected Body property in inspector for Joints (Inspector issue?)

Ubuntu Version 2022.04.04
Unity Version 2022.3.10f1

I’m new so sorry if this is rookie, but in the docs it shows Connected Body property on Fixed Joint ( Unity - Manual: Fixed Joint component reference ) , but I don’t have that ( see attached ). I checked other joints and its the same issue.


Also, (maybe related because its an overall inspector issue) for some reason the editor has my rotation in quaternion form and I couldn’t figure out how to change it to Euler. I got by by clicking properties on it which allowed changing in terms of Euler angles. ( Ignore the lines in picture, they are from my screenshot software )


Is there something wrong with my inspector? I don’t have any idea how to fix this but it seems like one fix to the overall inspector would fix it all.

Ok, so I found connected body by going to the Properties… tab under the 3 dots…

But why??? Why are the most important properties hidden in my inspector???

It looks like your inspector is in Debug mode. If so, simply configure it to Normal mode:



Thank you so much! That changed everything lol

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