Sorry to cross post but I think this forum may be a better place to get some clarification.
I’ve got Unity Android, basic not pro. When I publish to my device I don’t get my custom icon, I get the Unity icon. I expect to get the “powered by unity” splashscreen but thought that, like the basic version of Unity iOS, I could have a custom launch icon. Am I wrong in that, or is it a bug, or is there some publis setting I’m unaware of? At least one other person is having the same problem, see this thread in the Android Development forum:
I hate to keep bumping this but, come on your killing me here! lol
Somebody has got to have the answer. This has to be a bug.
I went ahead and submitted my app in hopes that the icon was based on what we add in the listing info.
It appears it is based on the “launch icon” so my poor little game sits amongst the masses with a black and white box icon.
We don’t have the Android license at work so I’m going to have to wait until I get home to give it a shot.
I don’t know if it makes a difference but I’m running under Windows 7 Pro 64-bit. I did have the override for Android option checked in both the player settings and the settings for the 72 and 48 textures.
Both set to override, texture type “Advanced”, texture format RGBA 32 bit
I’m installing to a Virgin Mobile-LG Optimus V No-Contract.
Unity 3.3.0f4 (63135). JDK version is 1.6.0_24-b07.
And if it matters I build to ARMv6 due to what I’m installing to.
EDIT: Icon texture are 72x72 and 48x48 PNGs with no alphas.
I’m not 100% sure but, at this point, I am assuming there is a bug.
Although I haven’t experimented with this option I think it is possible to open the .apk file with a third party program and change icons.
After looking at a few forums people do it all the time just to change icons they dont like.
I havent tried it but, It may be a good alternative to having Unity build your icons. I know a lot of folks prefer to add the icon files for iphone after making a Unity build too.
I used to do it in Xcode, I don’t remember if it was becasue Unity 2 early versions didn’t have the icon option or I just didn’t know about it. Probably the latter LOL.
As long as I can see what the icon looks like on the target device before I actually submit I’ll be happy… but I would be much happier if I could just do it in Unity without adding another hoop to my workflow. I’m ready to submit other than the icon issue. I’m very anxious to get my first Android game on the market.
With unity iOS we still have to compile our apps after unity is done so, we have the luxury of playing with things a little before we actually build the final .ipa
With android it is done once unity does it’s thing. So, I think it is more like hacking into the .apk to change the icon.
Although after a little more googling it doesnt sound to hard so long as you are on windows which i am not. (or iwould have tried it and reported my findings)
Once you change the icon you should still be able to pop it onto your droid and make sure it works. We can use the final signed version on our devices. We arent bound to only trying the provisioning build like on iOS before uploading.
I’m guessing you will get that working before we see a fix in unity.
What’s the word Woz? I’m mega antsy, I want to relase! But not with the Unity icon. I don’t mind the Unity splash screen… until I make 1.1K on the market anyway. LOL, here’s hoping. But I want a custom launch icon. What’s up?
I’ve been doing research on how one would publish for Android without using an IDE like Unity. I think the auto-signing tool is probably not the wa y to go now after reading this: but I’ve not had a chance to try it out yet. Probably won’t get a chance to until this evening at the earliest.
Sorry for the absence on this one guys. Busy with GDC and NinjaCamp.
If it has been bugged then it will most likely be fixed in the next revision. One workaround for the moment is to use the eclipse integration methods in the documentation:
You will just have to add the image in the various sizes to the folder highlighted, refresh the project then select it and add it to the Icon to replace the existing one. Then when you build from eclipse you will have you unity game with the new shiney icon.
I ran into this when adding the Mobclix unitypackage supplied in this forum. It seems that it added some icons for me in these directories:
Maybe check to see if you have icons there that could be causing the issue.