"No Data" for custom events in Data Explorer

I have a problem visualising custom events in Data Explorer.
All of them are listed in the dropdown but for the ones without parameters I get a “No Data” (look screenshot).

I’ve played my game to be sure all the custom events are sent to Unity Analytics (did this two days ago), but I still get a “No Data” message.

Any ideas on why it’s happening?

Hi xrm0. We’re really sorry about this. This is a known bug. We’ve been investigating, but so far it’s proven very difficult to repair. Essentially, when we see an event with no parameters, one of the scripts in our data parser chooses to ignore the event as data-less.

Fortunately there’s a simple workaround: add a parameter to your event. Anything will do, but if you can’t attach anything that’s actually useful, use a number, which will minimize its impact on your analysis point budget. Hopefully, we’ll be able to fix the underlying problem in the near future.

Thanks @marc_tanenbaum for the reply.
I didn’t understand whether the problem was when the event was received and parsed (before it’s stored) or in a parser in the visualization phase.

Definitely a parsing error (something that happens in processing not long after the event is received).

I have the No Data problem, but with custom events that definitely have parameters. When I tested the events, the validation window showed all events and all parameters correctly.
However, when I now go to the Data Explorer, I can select the events, but they say “No Data”, and I cannot select any parameters at all.

This was working properly with similar events I set up yesterday, and those I can still see correctly in the Data Explorer. But the new events I added earlier today have no data. Can there be a delay between the events showing up and their associated parameters showing up?


Yes, there is typically a delay of 4-6 hours between the time an event is received and the time it appears in the Data Explorer. Your data should be available in the DE later today.

Yes, I knew about this. Initially the new events were not visible in the Data explorer at all. After about 4 hours, the events appeared in the Data Explorer, but they said “No Data” and had no parameters.

However, I just checked, and the parameters are now there, so it’s all good, thank you.

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