If you import it somewhere, the documentation is always available offline in your global and local package caches:
AppData/Local/Unity/cache/packages and Library/PackageCache. Just checked, the changelog is there.
For reference:
[1.14.2] - 2020-08-11
Addressables now logs the package version on initialization.
Renamed Build Bundle Layout analyze rule to Bundle Layout Preview
Marked RawWriteOperation obsolete.
Marked SceneRawWriteOperation obsolete.
AsyncOperationHandle ClearDependencyCacheAsync has been added. The new API takes an autoReleaseHandle parameter and returns the AsyncOperationHandle.
Made the AsyncOperationHandle in AssetReference public.
Fixed loading of items from Resources and the built in ScenesList.
Improved the performance of loading local content on Android by using LoadFromFileAsync instead of UnityWebRequest. Please note that the bundle compression mode for all local content (on any platform) should be LZ4 or uncompressed to have optimal load performance.
Fixed issue where some Addressables settings were not being saved if they were only serialized properties or textfields like ‘Build Remote Catalog’
Fixed a bug where DiagnosticEvents would be created even if ‘Send Profiler Events’ was set to false.
Refactored the DebugNames of many of the most common implementations of AsyncOperationHandle to improve readability in the event viewer.
Events in the Event viewer should now display more accurately in the case of Repeated loads and unloads of the same object.
AddressableAssetEntry now overrides ToString() to return the address of the entry
Added support for setting multiple assets and subasset references at a time for field in GameObject script in the AssetReference Inspector
Improved performance of the GenerateLocationLists task
Refactored DiagnosticEventCollector.RegisterEventHandler so that events are always handled in frame order.
Fixed bug where the Event Viewer would not work when connected to a standalone player.
Added docs describing the process of connecting the Event Viewer to a standalone player.
Fixed exception that was getting thrown on Editor restart regarding accessing EditorSettings.enterPlayModeOptionsEnabled during serialization.
Added MaxConcurrentWebRequests option to the AddressableAssetSettings.
Added GetDownloadStatus method to AsyncOperationHandle. The DownloadStatus struct returned will contain the total number of bytes needed to be downloaded and the current number of bytes already downloaded. Cached AssetBundles will not be included in the count and if everything is cached, the values in the struct will be zero.