No Environment Tap In Lighting Settings/ Cannot Add Skybox

Hej I’m in trouble with creating my new skybox with HD render pipeline Had no problem at all with 3D templet btw.

Imported texture → changed it as 3D texture
Created new skybox material with the texture above. The same with I have done with 3D templet
And I threw this into the scene and nothing happened.
I tried to add the skybox material via environment tap in Window-Render-Lighting Settings
but I cannot find the environment tap and anything about skybox.

I added the skybox as a component under the cam. but it does not show anything.
I have already checked the render option, skybox is checked so totally no idea what is happening.

Have never have any problem with 3D templet but really need to work with HD this time.

Anyone who can help me?
using version 2018.3.11f Personel

You need to create a scene setting and there you can edit the skybox.

You can do this from the menu bar at the top
GamObject > Rendering > Scene Settings

Or Right-click in the Hierarchy
Rendering > Scene Settings

In the inspector for that game object, you will get this.

If you want to change the sky to an HDRI select the Add Component Button highlighted above and find HDRI Sky
You can add you sky and tweak the settings for that component.
Now under Visual Environment, change it from Procedural Sky to HDRI Sky and at the bottom where you see Baking Sky Script. Change that dropdown to HDRI sky as well to get ambient lighting from that skybox


Big thanks!! It works so well!
ps. Please Ignores the images I put for further questions, just solved it.