When I added a ttf file to my project for my GUI and tried to build I get:
Error building Player: Couldn’t build player because of unsupported data on target platform
Did I miss something?
When I added a ttf file to my project for my GUI and tried to build I get:
Error building Player: Couldn’t build player because of unsupported data on target platform
Did I miss something?
Here’s the list of supported iPhone fonts. Not sure if you can add your own, even in a 3D app. But someone correct me if I’m wrong.
Thanks for the reply. It’s not that unfortunately- I have used custom fonts in a different iPhone app using CGContextSelectFont. I guess they haven’t gotten around to enabling fonts yet? Kind of a bummer if that’s the case.
If it helps, I am using custom fonts in my iPhone project and they seem to work okay.
Thanks Marty- I know the iPhone can do it. Maybe I just had something jacked-up in my font file. When I removed it from the project, the error went away though, so assumptions.
If you open up the console, there should be a more detailed message about where the error is occurring. Most likely you’ve got some textures still compressed as DXT. You need to reimport all these with PVRTC compression in the Import Settings.
Thanks for the reply Sam.
So after a day and a half of trying different setups and chasing the DXT message you suggest, I can duplicate the error simply by adding a GUI skin to the project.
First I thought it was my font, then I chased all the materials in my project as the compiler was giving the DXT error, I reimported all of them, re-compressed, etc. but it looks like it’s the GUI skin.
Any ideas?
It would also be nice if there is a DXT error on a graphic, that you print somewhere which file caused the error. This would cut debugging time down to maybe a minute.
I think that some of the graphics that are associated with/built in a new GUI skin are not in the right image format. I got the same thing testing a custom GUI.
try setting all the images in the GUISkin to None… its a lot of work clicking through all the stuff, but it should work, since that image would then no longer be in use…
I can also now reproduce this … here are the errors it throws …
DXT compressed textures are not supported when publishing to the iPhone. Please switch to PVRTC compression in the import settings.
Included from scene: Temp/__BuildPlayer Backupscene
Someone tell me how to get rid of this one?
I’ve gone through and deleted all the images in the standard GUI.
EDIT – FOUND IT! One remaining texture image in the GUI. Works now.
PS. Wasn’t there a way to export a GUI that you’ve customized? If there is, someone should create a completely blank custom GUI with no links to any images as a template for others to import.