I am set as “owner” on a client’s Unity project. Is there any reason why the Project Settings would look like that? (no Game IDs, no App Store Compliance etc.). Also the dashboard says Unity Ads service is active but I cannot edit the placements (when I click there I get back to the overview page)
Note: I can’t enable it in the Services window in the editor because of the absence of IDs there (and I believe I am not supposed to put 0 or some nonsense there).
Alright well if anyone is in this situation: the operate dashboard was actually not activated.
I had to ask to become “manager” inside the organization (not the project), doing this I then had an “activate operate dashboard” button on the Operate/Overview page which I didn’t have before. By activating the dashboard the game IDs etc. were generated and I could enable Unity Ads from the editor with no problem.
It was really unclear to me that the operate dashboard needed activation (in particular as the Develop Overview was saying that this project uses Unity Ads correctly).
Hello Guillogika,
I am glad you were able to resolve this issue yourself quickly, and appreciate you posting your experience on this forum.
While the Dashboard has undergone numerous changes since your original post, your feedback has been received as we continue to improve the clarity and overall experience for our users.
is there a guide somewhere ?
I can’t find the necessary settings in the organization.
How can i become a manager ?
currently i’m ‘just’ the owner
Edit :: ahh well i found it… the layout has changed — nothing is on the top, the game ids for apple and google (7 digits) are now further below.
to the owner everything is displayed as well. so i did not need to become a manager, which is likely not possible since i’m the ower ? - fortunately not an issue anymore