Using Unity 3.5.1 with the following command line options to create a build
-logFile FOO
-projectPath BAR
-buildWindowsPlayer BADABOO
The build is created and the game can be run, but the screen remains black. Still the game responds to keyboard inputs (ESC for Application.Quit).
When I ommit the -nographics option the build has the visuals.
The documents don’t indicate such a connection. As far as I understand it, we should be able to build on a headless Windows server.
Btw. both results can be reproduced on a regular Windows 7 installation (no server).
How can we use -batchmode -nographics to create a build on a Windows server without requiring us to install Direct3d etc.?
Thanks for any hints!
edit: Removed link to forum, apparently the post was removed.