No implementation found for void com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage

I have tested in,Samsing T810 and T800 and it’s working, but the issue is in XiaoMi

This is the crash log:

The crash is caused because Unity fails to find the implementation for the function UnitySendMessage (which is included in its runtime native libraries).

According to the specs i see here, that device is powered by an Intel Atom (x86) CPU.
Please make sure to build with the proper settings (a FAT or x86 only APK). This will include the correct set of unity libraries.

Thank you for your answer, should not X86CPU problem, my XiaoMi will be the same in other bugs, should be the problem of the system

There could be other reasons for this problem. When you first start your game, Unity will load itself - a set of native libraries.

I believe that loading is actually done from a “loader” library -

This probably attempts to load libunity and checks whether that succeeded or not.
In case the loading did not go well, methods such as UnitySendMessage (which are implemented in native code) will not be available.

Another reason off the top of my head that this might fail is devices without NEON instructions. Support for this is a must starting with Unity 5, so older devices (e.g: based on Tegra 2 for example) stopped working. Might be your case but i’m not sure.