In my Game the move Input didn’t do anything in the webGL build. I modified my Code if the player, press it any move key the Sprite gets really big. (Works in Editor, but not in webGL). Also I have a second Input in the LogicScript to open the Shop-Menu with the “I”-Key. That is working fine, but my player didn’t react, with it move key’s.
I’m using only the new Input system.
The Player get’s spawned in while the logic script is there from the start
What I tried so far: I make sure Active Input Handling is set to both.
In the Player Prefab Input System, set mouse & keyboard, deactivated auto-switch*.
Tried with 3 different browsers on 2 different machines.
public void PlayerMovement(InputAction.CallbackContext context) {
if (context.performed) {
transform.localScale = new Vector3(4,3,transform.localScale.z);
*And I noticed something strange, if I set the Input Scheme to it works fine. But if I set it to “Mouse & Keyboard” it stops working, no input goes through. I also tried this with the standard player Inputs, it’s the same thing. Doesn’t work. Maybe that’s why it doesn’t work in Web?
Do I need to activate something?