I have been spending almost 4 days to find sources of many issues of Unity,at first,there was no intellisense and i solved that issue by uninstalling everything,vs code,unity etc. and by downloading newest LTS version of Unity and VS code. And then, intellisense somehow worked idk how. Later i wanted to build an apk file but got a gradle build fail and spent another work day to solve that issue(as always it was a mysterious way to solve the issue,using jdk 1.8.0_261 and sdk,ndk comes with android studio, and deleting .gradle file in my user folder somehow fixed it,also don’t forget to install java and gradle) but after solving that issue,again i have no any intellisense whatsoever. Am i supposed to do my own work or just spend many work days on mysterious issues of Unity? I have tried all of the given solution that i’ve encountered,spend almost two days but still can’t get omnisharp work on vs code while i use Unity.
I tried the last option first as usual,i uninstalled and reinstalled everything,still didn’t fix the issue.
I tried many versions of vs code packages(including 1.1.3 and newest ones)
I tried many versions of .Net (including 4.7.1),installed mono-project
I tried older version of Omnisharp extension but still couldn’t get that flame icon
now i am tired.
I just want to work on my own project but i am not intelligent enough to memorize all of the unity library, can anybody help me? Btw i don’t know if this is the place to ask this question,sorry if i am in the wrong part of the forum. Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: Issue has been solved.
If you are looking for a solution for this problem this might help you too. I recommend you to use Visual Studio Code Insiders instead of Visual Studio Code as it adds more log options to the console panel. For me,this was just an issue of not being able to connect to the server of OmniSharp (Server of the extension that allows you to use Intellisense on VS Code).
For Windows 10, You can fix this issue by adding location of the extensions folder in the VS code into the PATH variable in the System Variables Panel.
C:\Users*.vscode-insiders\extensions or C:\Users*.vscode\extensions
Add these two paths into the PATH variable in the System Variables Panel and then you are good to go,your Vs code editor will probably be able to connect to the OmniSharp Server so the extension can compile the solution and csproj files to provide the Intellisense feature. I hope this helps.