No Internet connection when starting Unity3d

Hi there,

I just downloaded Unity3D and wanted to start developing my first game. But every time I start Unity3D the internet connection breaks and only works again, when I restart my computer.

Does anyone have a solution or an idea why this happens?
I’ve reinstalled it multiple times, but still no internet connection.

I’m using Windows 7 64bit - Unity3D 5.0.1f1 (64-bit).

Thank you.

edit: it’s the WiFi connection, that breaks. Maybe someone has an idea what’s going on?

I’ve got the same problem and it’s getting really problematic now.

For me the Internet connection can be re-established when I plug the Wi-Fi stick in again.
Doing so while Unity is running just now resulted in a bluescreen crash.

This is getting really severe and it’s not acceptable any more. I’ve already submitted a bug (Case: 686910) some time ago.
What is going on here?