I have this issue where my PC loses internet access when I start my project for the first time of the day. When I restart my computer the issue comes back. My network settings still shows “connected” to the internet, but when trying to browse any webpage nothing will load - basically slows network connectivity to a crawl, while still being connected. I won’t have internet connectivity until I close Unity.
If I turn off Unity, then start my project again it doesn’t happen.
I noticed when exiting the project, it takes forever to shut down.
I saw a similar long shutdown. But i removed all my library files and now its all happy again.
As for the internet, unity shouldn’t have the power to kill your internet connection.
What might happen is an over zelous anti virus might see its connections as bad and block everything to protect itself but id like to hope it would give notice.
Try one or two of the countless bandwidth speed tests to confirm that you’re actually suffering from bandwidth reduction.
More likely than not, as bugfinders mentioned, some ‘security’ software messes with your system because it doesn’t like something about Unity OR there’s something in your project that mucks with the system such as a script that makes webrequests every Update even in the editor. Or perhaps a malicious script even that messes with your system’s DNS settings (or hosts file).
If you run any VPN or use a proxy turn that off or uninstall to see if that causes the issue.
Still haven’t figure out what causes it. I found some older threads about previous versions with Unity that seem similar to my issue: Unity 5.0 broke my internet.
The interesting thing is the internet won’t work after the editor starts - but will immediately work again when Unity is closed. It doesn’t cause the network to say ‘no internet’ as you’d expect but just bandwidth is reduced to essentially zero. Checking resource manager, the only outbound bandwidth is from Unity during this time. Not sure what could cause this in Windows - maybe Unity trying to get a port it cannot get or something?