No lights when using Hybrid Renderer 0.4.2

When using the new hybrid renderer, I don’t see any of the lights in my scene except for the first directional light. They are all visible in the scene view until I enter Play mode. When converting the light to an entity, I can see the light in the entity debugger.

I’ve tried:

  • Spot, point, and additional directional lights.
  • Unassigning the sun source.
  • With Universal Additional Light Data component.
  • Converting to entity (destroy).
  • Converting to entity (inject).

What am I doing wrong?

Entities 0.9.1
Hybrid renderer 0.4.2 (with ENABLE_HYBRID_RENDERER_V2 define)
Universal RP 9.0.0
Unity 2020.1.0b5

Anyone else having this problem? It’s still occurring with Entities 0.10.0 and HR 0.5.0.




Bump, having the same problem, noone seems to care help on this forum.

Hi. Universal RP + hybrid currently does not support more than the main directional light. We have to make some new systems to pass the per object light index list through to renderer. This is high on our priorities and being worked on.

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Thanks Tim, good to know.

Hello Tim, any chance we can get an estimate when to expect this feature?


It seems, its still not working. Any ideas, when this is planned? :frowning:
Using URP with the V2 renderer in 0.11.0-preview.44 from mid of may