Hello, i have a problem.
I’m working on a decibel meter app for android.
So it needs to use the mic of the android device. I did add the uses permission RECORD_AUDIO in the androidmanifest.xml file.
The first (clean) install on my phone, the mic request works, but the microphone is not starting. Now when i exit and start the app again, the microphone works. This is the script i’m using:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Android;
using System.Collections;
public class DecibelMeter : MonoBehaviour
private AudioClip recordedClip;
private AudioSource audioSource;
private bool isRecording = false;
IEnumerator Start()
// Check if a microphone is available
if (Microphone.devices.Length == 0)
Debug.LogError("No microphone detected.");
yield break;
// Request and check microphone permissions
yield return StartCoroutine(WaitForMicrophonePermission());
Debug.Log("Microphone access granted.");
// Add an AudioSource component to this GameObject
audioSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
// Wait for a short delay before proceeding
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
// Start recording
void RequestMicrophonePermission()
if (!Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(Permission.Microphone))
IEnumerator WaitForMicrophonePermission()
// Wait until the user grants or denies permission
while (!Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(Permission.Microphone))
yield return null;
// Start recording audio (changed to public)
public void StartRecording()
if (Microphone.IsRecording(null))
Debug.LogWarning("Already recording.");
int frequency = 44100; // Sample rate
int seconds = 10; // Maximum recording duration
recordedClip = Microphone.Start(null, true, seconds, frequency);
isRecording = true;
// Stop recording audio
public void StopRecording()
if (Microphone.IsRecording(null))
isRecording = false;
Debug.LogWarning("Not currently recording.");
// Get the current decibel level and play the recorded audio
public float GetDecibelLevel()
if (isRecording && recordedClip != null)
float[] samples = new float[recordedClip.samples * recordedClip.channels];
recordedClip.GetData(samples, 0);
float sum = 0f;
foreach (float sample in samples)
sum += Mathf.Abs(sample);
// Calculate average amplitude
float averageAmplitude = sum / samples.Length;
// Convert average amplitude to decibels
float dbValue = 20 * Mathf.Log10(averageAmplitude + Mathf.Epsilon); // Add epsilon to prevent log of zero
// Play the recorded audio if it's not already playing
if (!audioSource.isPlaying)
audioSource.clip = recordedClip;
return dbValue;
return 0f; // Return 0 if not recording or no recorded audio
class DecibelMeter : MonoBehaviour
private AudioClip recordedClip;
private AudioSource audioSource;
private bool isRecording = false;
IEnumerator Start()
// Check if a microphone is available
if (Microphone.devices.Length == 0)
Debug.LogError("No microphone detected.");
yield break;
// Request and check microphone permissions
yield return StartCoroutine(WaitForMicrophonePermission());
Debug.Log("Microphone access granted.");
// Add an AudioSource component to this GameObject
audioSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
// Wait for a short delay before proceeding
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
// Start recording
void RequestMicrophonePermission()
if (!Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(Permission.Microphone))
IEnumerator WaitForMicrophonePermission()
// Wait until the user grants or denies permission
while (!Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(Permission.Microphone))
yield return null;
// Start recording audio (changed to public)
public void StartRecording()
if (Microphone.IsRecording(null))
Debug.LogWarning("Already recording.");
int frequency = 44100; // Sample rate
int seconds = 10; // Maximum recording duration
recordedClip = Microphone.Start(null, true, seconds, frequency);
isRecording = true;
// Stop recording audio
public void StopRecording()
if (Microphone.IsRecording(null))
isRecording = false;
Debug.LogWarning("Not currently recording.");
// Get the current decibel level and play the recorded audio
public float GetDecibelLevel()
if (isRecording && recordedClip != null)
float[] samples = new float[recordedClip.samples * recordedClip.channels];
recordedClip.GetData(samples, 0);
float sum = 0f;
foreach (float sample in samples)
sum += Mathf.Abs(sample);
// Calculate average amplitude
float averageAmplitude = sum / samples.Length;
// Convert average amplitude to decibels
float dbValue = 20 * Mathf.Log10(averageAmplitude + Mathf.Epsilon); // Add epsilon to prevent log of zero
// Play the recorded audio if it's not already playing
if (!audioSource.isPlaying)
audioSource.clip = recordedClip;
return dbValue;
return 0f; // Return 0 if not recording or no recorded audio
Unity 2019.4
Btw. It does work immidiately in unity Editor.
Can someone help me out?
What am i doing wrong?
And yes, i’m a noob.