something strange with my shaders going on. for the most of my materials i use a diffuse shader. i wanted to change some proporties of my shaders but there are no more properties in the inspector. when i create a new material there are also no more properties?
when i open a material with unitron they looking like this:
is this normal?
Bumping this because it’s also just started happening to me.
Yesterday, all of my material properties appeared in the inspector. Today, gone. I just get the material name and then the preview but not the properties themselves - the panel where the properties normally appear is simply blank. The story is the same for existing textures in my project and for new ones.
Am I just missing a setting somewhere or is this a bug?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!
– Anthony
in my case it was just a stupid thing.
just choose your material in the project view and then click on the preview symbol of the material in the inspector. with this click you can show or hide the properties of the material.
hope this helps.
I feel stupid now. Never knew it could do that!
Thanks so much!
– Anthony